Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Addendum to The Mob

Read the previous post first before reading this.  I published it, but then realized something else that I wanted to include.
I recall at a church conference a few years ago, the speaker pointed out that Jesus cautioned to be on guard against the wolves.  But the wolf was not the only prominent predator of sheep in the region that Jesus lived.  This speaker stated that the mountain lion was as much a threat to sheep as the wolf.  However, mountain lions hunt solo.  Wolves pack up together to go in for the kill. 
Remember this the next time a mob gathers in your sphere.  The thing about gathering in packs is that once the prey is gone, what else is there to kill?  The wolves will still become hungry and eventually turn on one another.  I've seen this happen too many times among mobs. 
That is all.

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